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Self study cpe
Choosing a Niche: Understanding the Economics


CPE Processing FeeFREE
Webinar TranscriptionN/A
Presentation Length Hour(s)1.0 hour
CPE Credits 1.0 hour
Subject Area 1.0 - Communications & Marketing
CE Credits 0.0 hours
Course LevelIntermediate
Instructional MethodQAS Self-Study
PrerequisitesDirect experience leading or working in a firm that is actively seeking a narrow niche in a particular market.
Advance PreparationNone
Recorded DateDecember 7, 2022
Date OfferedDecember 10, 2022
Expiration DateDecember 10, 2023
Course Description

Choosing a niche is no small feat. Reflecting your firm's strengths in a focused market implies a high-risk, high-reward scenario. In this session, you'll learn what does and doesn't constitute a niche, how economic pursuit parameters determine a right fit for you, and how to gauge the risk involved in niching for firms.

Self-Study Course Instructions:


Download the course document(s) (below) and follow prompts contained in the document.


Download any course document(s) (below) which may include handouts, glossary, transcripts, etc. Follow any prompts contained in the documents to help you complete the course. Most documents are searchable.

Play the recording, noting the sectional guides indicating where topics on the agenda are covered and the prompts to pause video playback to respond to a review question (located below the video playback area). The timestamps for review questions are also noted below.

Upon completing the video and successfully answering all review questions, you will then take the final exam.

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Additional Materials
Webinar Technical FAQs
Review Questions
Review Questions
QUESTION 1: 00:09:20 minutes
QUESTION 2: 00:27:00 minutes
QUESTION 3: 00:42:25 minutes
Frequently Asked Questions
  • CPAacademy self-study courses are online.
  • The self-study format allows you to a) access the material online 24/7 and b) study at your own pace.
  • Per NASBA guidelines, you have one year from date of purchase to complete each program.
  • Complete your final exam at any time and get graded instantly. You can retake the exam at no additional charge (unlimited attempts).
  • Print your own certificate of completion on the spot upon passing the exam.
  • Grading policies: a) courses have a minimum passing score 70% b) test takers will not be provided feedback on failed exams.
  • Upon achieving a passing score, test takers will be notified of the correct answers to the questions missed.

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Jason founded Thriveal in 2010 as a way to help small CPA firm owners connect. Since that time, Thriveal has helped many small firms grow by providing a community, coaching services, webinars, and live events.

Jason and his partner have been leading their firm, Blumer & Associates, CPAs, for over 20 years. Their firm was one of the first to move from a traditional office to a virtual environment, where they serve various creative service niches. He and his partner focus heavily on business coaching and consulting with firms and agencies while their team meets their clients’ technical and compliance needs.

Jason is the co-host of two podcasts, the Thrivecast and The Businessology Show, and speaks and writes frequently for creative agencies.  He has been honored as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting (Accounting Today).


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NASBA Approved (Sponsor Id#: 111889) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: 1685 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite #205, Denver, CO 80222

About Our Presenter

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QuickBooks Connect is a multi-day event that brings together QuickBooks partners to grow, learn & connect with each other.

The below courses are an opportunity to catch sessions that you may have missed onsite, while earning CPE.  Additional courses dropping soon.